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Programs at The Bittermelon are made to be inclusive and welcome students of all backgrounds to learn about the history and diverse identities of Americans of Asian descent. Our programs are not solely focused on filling the academic void of U.S. History class, but also providing emotional and mental health support

for Asian American youth.


Did you know the leading cause of death among Asian American teens is suicide?


 It is time to talk about our struggles and challenges to accessing affordable and supportive mental health programs, including therapy


We are multi-generational Americans, Asian immigrants,
bi-racial, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and more.

We are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Catholic, and more.

Some of us speak one language, others speak multiple languages.  

We come from all economic classes. Some of us have failed math class. That's right. We are not the model minority. We are diverse Americans and it is time for us to be seen and heard.


Our in-person programs are based out of the land of the Lenape tribe: Westchester County, New York, but students from anywhere are welcome to sign up for virtual programs! Students who complete our programs may become leaders-in-training for future programs at The Bittermelon.

Representation Matters!

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Wong Liu Tsong aka Anna May Wong (1905 – 1961), the first Asian American Hollywood actress responding to why she left Hollywood for Europe in a 1933 interview“I was so tired of the parts I had to play. Why is it that the screen Chinese is nearly always the villain of the piece, and so cruel a villain--murderous, treacherous, a snake in the grass. We are not like that. How should we be, with a civilization that’s so many times older than that of the West. We have our own virtues. We have our rigid code of behavior, of honor. Why do they never show these on the screen? Why should we always scheme, rob, kill?"​

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